Filmmaker Suresh Triveni’s last movie Jalsa, which released last March on Amazon Prime Video, received appreciation for its content as well as the performances from Vidya Balan, Shefali Shah and veteran actress Rohini Hattangadi. Following the film, Triveni announced his own creative studio and production house named Opening Image, in partnership with Vikram Malhotra-led Abundantia Entertainment. Triveni is now ready to roll his next two directorial ventures under his banner. Sharing more about his plan, an official statement from his publicist said, “While one film is an out-and-out action drama, the other one is a dramedy with an element of thrill that explores questions of identity in today’s world. While more details on both films are being kept under wraps, both are set to feature prominent A-list actors and roll in the next 12 months. Beyond Suresh’s directorial films, there is an exciting slate of content in development with young and fresh writers and creators, all set to be launched under Opening Image.” Sharing further future plans, Trivedi said in a statement, “The vision for Opening Image is to create disruptive stories and provide a platform that encourages young talent to tell their stories. We want to build a community that provides an ecosystem for storytellers to flourish. On my individual front, I am excited to be back in the director’s chair and along with my team offer fresh stories to audiences across the world. The partnership with Abundantia Entertainment and Vikram is growing from strength to strength and we’re having a great time telling stories together where each one of us brings complimentary skills to the mix.” Vikram Malhotra shared his thoughts adding, “Suresh and Opening Image are truly building a forward-looking, audience-focused creative community and ecosystem like no other. It’s amazing to see the progress that Opening Image has made in such short time and heartening to see the platform that it is providing to upcoming writers and directors. On another note, I am super excited with the shape Suresh’s directorial films are taking. Unique and entertaining.” Before Jalsa, Triveni had made his directorial debut Tumhari Sulu in 2017. The film also starred Vidya Balan along with Manav Kaul. Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Jalsa director Suresh Triveni on unveiling the plot early on, the scene that gave him a nightmare and Vidya Balan breaking down on set
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