Shehzada is among the most anticipated Bollywood films of the year and why not – it marks the return of Kartik Aaryan to the big screen after the blockbuster success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa. While the trailer and music of the film has been trending across all the digital platforms, Bollywood Hungama has discovered that Shehzada, which was announced to arrive on February 10, 2023, has now been delayed by a week. “Pathaan is doing unimaginable business at the box office in India and is finally the Bollywood film that can break the records of Baahubali 2. The film is doing record-breaking business in India and Kartik Aaryan feels it will be unfair to release just 2 weeks after a film that’s doing so well for the film industry. Out of respect to Shah Rukh Khan, and the fact of both films eating on to each other’s business, Kartik and Shehzada producers have decided to delay the film by a week,” a source told Bollywood Hungama. The Shehzada team is confident that this move will benefit both Pathaan and Shehzada. “Releasing on February 10 does not even make business sense, as Pathaan will continue to be the talk of the town due to its record-breaking run. It makes business sense to arrive a week later, as that would benefit both the films to earn big and also give a breathing space to the audience.” Shehzada also stars Kriti Sanon and Paresh Rawal in lead roles. It is directed by Rohit Dhawan and produced by Bhushan Kumar with Allu Arvind and Aman Gill. Also Read: Kartik Aaryan starrer Shehzada trailer crosses 100 million views across platforms
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