Actor Rajkummar Rao is set to team up with director Aditya Nimbalkar for a dark comedy film that will stream exclusively on Netflix. The untitled project, set against the backdrop of a murder, marks Rajkummar Rao’s debut as a producer. If a report by PinkVilla is something to go by, then scheduled to begin shooting in January 2025, the film is expected to premiere on Netflix by the end of the same year.
Rajkummar Rao Ventures into Production After a successful 2024, with critically acclaimed performances in Srikanth and Stree 2, Rajkummar Rao has taken a bold step into production. The report quoted a source saying that the actor was so impressed by the script of this dark comedy that he decided to produce the film himself, collaborating with Netflix on a direct-to-digital deal.
“It’s a dark comedy set against the backdrop of a murder. Rajkummar Rao loved the subject so much that he decided to produce it himself. The screenplay is filled with twists and turns, offering a fresh perspective on the genre,” revealed a source close to the development. Aditya Nimbalkar’s Vision for the Netflix Original Aditya Nimbalkar, known for Sector 36, will direct the film. His collaboration with Rajkummar Rao promises to bring a new flavour to the murder-mystery genre. The project is said to be a tightly knit narrative, blending suspense with dark humour. What’s Next for Rajkummar Rao? While this Netflix original is generating buzz, Rajkummar Rao has more in store for his fans. The actor is currently filming Malik, directed by Pulkit, and has reportedly signed on for another exciting project, details of which will be revealed soon.
Also Read: Rajkummar Rao reveals why he asked his wife Patralekha to apply sindoor on him at their wedding: “It should be equal”
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