Ever since Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani released, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has left no stone unturned to bash the film and its director Karan Johar. In fact, besides a bunch of Instagram Stories, yesterday, on July 30, Ranaut dedicated three posts to Johar, in which she accused him of manipulating the perception of his movies through “paid PR."
In a series of Instagram posts and Stories, Ranaut shared videos of Johar talking about his ability to control the media and influence public opinion. She also alleged that Johar uses his connections to get positive reviews for his films, even if they are not well-received by audiences.
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"It's not a crime to do atrocious work but to warp people's perception to think of worse as best and best as worse is demonic, evil and malicious," Ranaut wrote. "Hindi film industry is like a sinking ship we need to look deep within and see what is causing holes in our own ship... Hope better sense prevails it's never too late to do the right thing."
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Ranaut's accusations have not been substantiated, but they have sparked a debate about the role of paid PR in the Bollywood industry. Some people believe that Johar's comments about his ability to control the media are simply a matter of confidence, while others believe that he is actively using his influence to promote his own films.
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Kangana Ranaut's constant attack on Karan Johar has sparked a conversation between netizens. While many express their opinion in the comments section of her posts, a section of them has defended KJo.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut accuses a “womaniser superstar” of hacking her account; requests Mumbai Cyber Police to “take action”
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