Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn has made massige purchases. He has bought five office units in Mumbai's Andheri West which are worth Rs. 45 crore. As per the documents accessed by a data analytics form CRE Matrix, the office units are located within Signature Building, Oshiwara and Veera Desai Road.
The documents reveal that the office units cover a total area of 13,293 square feet. As per a report in Money Control, three units are located on the 16th floor. They are worth Rs. 30.35 crore, and the actor paid a stamp duty of Rs 1.82 crore for the built-up area of 8,405 square feet.
Apart from that, two office units are located on the 17th floor and are worth Rs. 14.74 crore. The built-up area is spread across 4,893 square feet. The properties were registered under the name Vishal (Ajay) Virendra Devgan.
On the work front, Ajay Devgn has an array of line-up including Maidaan, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha and Singham Again. ALSO READ: BREAKING: Ajay Devgn-starrer Maidaan postponed yet again; won’t release on June 23
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