Indian actress Avika Gor started her acting career as a child actor with the popular TV show Balika Vadhu. After venturing into TV for a while, the actress started working in the South Indian film industry. And, now, she is gearing up for the upcoming Bollywood film, 1920: Horrors of the Heart. However, did you know, if she wasn’t replaced “at the last minute”, she would have been seen in Antim or Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan?
For the unversed, Avika has confessed that she was approached for Salman Khan’s last film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan during her interaction with Siddharth Kanan. In fact, Avika also stated that she was confirmed for the role and the paperwork was also done. She asserted, “We just got a call that they are going ahead with somebody else.” She further added that it happened a day before she was going to sign the film.
As the conversation progressed further, the 25-year-old actress explained that she was apprehensive and expected this to happen. She said, “had faced something similar with the same team where two weeks before the film they called and they said they cast someone else. But this happens.” When asked if she was talking about the Ayush Sharma starrer Antim, Avika nodded in agreement.
Continuing the interaction, Avika added, “At the end of the day it’s their call and it’s okay. They must have had their reasons, they know better.” On being asked if she was hurt by the episode, Avika responded, “Yes, I am human. Of course, you have that feeling that ‘I wish this didn’t happen the second time.’ But I think it was meant to be.”
Concluding her take, Avika said, “I’m not saying what they did was wrong because, at the end of the day, they also have to choose wisely. They have to take calls as to who is the best for their film and that’s who they go ahead with.”
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan was released on April 21 this year. Besides Salman, the ensemble star cast of the Farhad Samji directorial feature Pooja Hegde, Venkatesh, Bhumika Chawla, Raghav Juyal, Jassie Gill, Siddharth Nigam, Shehnaaz Gill, Tanikella Bharani and Jagapathi Babu.
Also Read: Avika Gor confesses her role in Sasural Simar Ka makes her “cringe”; says, “I have done impossible things in the show”
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