Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who grabbed attention for his powerful performance in KGF Chapter 2, seems to have a busy schedule ahead with multiple projects in his kitty. The actor has some exciting films lined up, which are sure to keep his fans on the edge of their seats. Amid this, there is an addition in the list of his upcoming projects. Sanjay Dutt is all set to team up with Sairat fame Akash Thosar for a patriotic film, titled Vande Mataram, which will mark the latter’s debut in the Hindi film industry.
If a report by PeepingMoon is something to go by, then Sanjay and Akash are set to star in a patriotic drama film titled Vande Mataram. The film will reportedly be directed by National Award-winning director Dr. Rajesh Mapuskar, who previously directed the Marathi film Ventilator and the Hindi film Ferrari Ki Sawaari.
As per the report, the plot of Vande Mataram is said to revolve around a father and son duo played by Sanjay Dutt and Akash Thosar, respectively. The two are said to have different ideologies but are brought together by a common goal - the love for their country. The film is said to be a tribute to the unsung heroes of India who have sacrificed their lives for the nation.
The film is expected to go on floors soon, with shooting scheduled to begin in Mumbai. More details regarding the cast and crew of the film are expected to be announced in the coming days. Overall, Vande Mataram seems to be an exciting project that promises to be a patriotic drama with a powerful message.
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