Readers would be aware that Bhushan Kumar announced the next film in the popular romance franchise Aashiqui with Kartik Aaryan in the lead, soon after the stupendous success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. However, with the makers yet to announce a leading lady for the same, reports of the film being shelved started doing the rounds. But now, sources close to the film have confirmed that Aashiqui 3 is indeed happening and that it is expected to go on floors this year. Not too long ago, Kartik Aaryan took to Instagram to announce his work on Satyaprem Ki Katha. After wrapping up major portions of the shoot, the actor has returned to the city to focus on his other films. The actor also took time out to meet the director of Aashiqui 3, Anurag Basu and the film’s producer Bhushan Kumar at the T-Series office earlier today, quashing reports of the film being shelved. In fact, a source close to the production house confirmed details about the film saying, “Rumours of the film being shelved are baseless. And yes, Kartik and Anurag have met to discuss the next step on Aashiqui 3. They are still looking for the female lead but the film is indeed happening. Kartik is busy on other projects and Anurag is also working on Metro Inn Dino. But the work on Aashiqui 3 hasn’t stopped. The film will go on floors by November 2023.” This definitely comes as good news to fans, who are eagerly waiting to see Kartik Aaryan step into the role of a complete ‘aashiq’. In the past, Aashiqui (1990) marked Rahul Roy as the quintessential romantic hero, followed by Aditya Roy Kapur (2013), who won hearts as they portrayed the role of singers with unconditional love for their partner. Aashiqui 3 was announced with much fanfare in September 2022 along with the motion poster, accompanied by the haunting tune of ‘Ab Tere Bin’ (Aashiqui). Also Read: SCOOP: Sara Ali Khan frontrunner to be cast opposite Kartik Aaryan in Aashiqui 3; makers looking for the third lead
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