Actor-filmmaker Ajay Devgn is one week away from the release of his upcoming action-drama Bholaa. The Hindi remake of Kaithi has been styled as the story of a one-man army, set in one night, fighting a multitude of enemies in various forms; human and otherwise. This marks Ajay's ninth association with Tabu. However, they are also going to star in the musical drama Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha by Neeraj Pandey. The film went on floors in February 2023 and the makers will kick off the second schedule in April. Producer Shreyans Hirawat informed Mid-Day that Ajay Devgn and Tabu will join the cast in the first week of April for the shoot. “Ajay ji is currently tied up with the release of Bholaa, and we will wait for him to re-join the shoot. We hope to complete the principal photography by mid-May, and plan to release the film around Diwali,” he said. The Neeraj Pandey directorial is being shot across Lucknow and Mumbai. “We will have one overseas schedule,” added Hirawat. The producer further said, “All I can say is that it is a romantic thriller. It has action, but [staying true to] a typical Neeraj Pandey film, it doesn’t have too much of it.” Oscar-winning music composer MM Keeravaani is part of the project. With this film, Tabu and Ajay come together for the tenth time. They have previously worked in Vijaypath, Haqeeqat, Thakshak, Fitoor, Drishyam, Golmaal Again, De De Pyaar De, Drishyam 2 and Bholaa. Meanwhile, Bholaa is the Hindi remake of the Tamil blockbuster Kaithi. The film, released in 2019, was an action thriller directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. It was headlined by Karthi alongside Narain and Dheena. It was produced by S. R. Prakashbabu and S. R. Prabhu under the banner Dream Warrior Pictures and co-produced by Tiruppur Vivek under the banner Vivekananda Pictures. Ajay Devgn returns to screens after Drishyam 2 success with Bholaa which is a story of a father who will fight anyone who comes in the way of his quest to reach his young daughter. The film will release in theatres on March 30, 2023. ALSO READ: Rakul Preet Singh opens up on working with Allu Arjun, Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn; says, “When you have that moment, you make the most of it”
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