The highly-anticipated film of actor Ajay Devgn, Bholaa, is all set to hit theatres. Besides headlining the project, Devgn has also donned the hat of the director for the fourth time. The ensemble star cast of the film includes Tabu, Amala Paul, Deepak Dobriyal, Sanjay Mishra and Gajraj Rao in pivotal roles. It is jointly produced by Ajay Devgn FFilms, Reliance Entertainment, T-Series Films and Dream Warrior Pictures. Now, the runtime and other details of the film are out now. The Ajay Devgn starrer has received an ‘A’ certificate from the Central Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) while its runtime is 144.49 minutes: seconds with the first half being 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 56 seconds long. The forthcoming action-thriller is slated to release on March 30, 2023. For the unversed, Bholaa is an official remake of Lokesh Kanagaraj’s 2019 release Kaithi. Bholaa will be a visual treat for the viewers as it features a high-octane bike-truck chase sequence of six-minutes, and the actor-turned-director himself had confirmed the same a few days back with a social media post. View this post on Instagram A post shared by AJAY DEVGN FFILMS (@adffilms) Speaking of the upcoming action-thrillers’ performance, trade veteran Taran Adarsh told Bollywood Hunagama, “There is indeed sufficient buzz and it’s the next big thing in the first quarter of 2023. All eyes are on Bholaa right now. It’ll hopefully cater to urban centres as well as the mass circuits. The trailer is really good and I love the posters of the film. It reminds me of the hand-painted posters that we used to have back in the 70s.” Also Read: Bholaa stars Ajay Devgn and Tabu to kick off second schedule of Neeraj Pandey’s Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha in April
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