Just a few days back, it was reported that on May 9, Akshay Kumar would unveil the trailer of his next venture titled Prithviraj. In fact, it was also said that the film starring Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar, Sonu Sood, and Sanjay Dutt would feature a grand event to unveil the trailer. Akshay himself had also tweeted simply saying, “It is time #Prithviraj”, which was accompanied by a video of him displaying his swordsmanship to announce the date.
Today at a grand event at Yash Raj Studios, the trailer of the Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi directorial Prithviraj was released amid much fanfare. However, the highlight of the event was lead actor Akshay Kumar’s entry. After revealing the title of the film, Akshay emerges from the darkness bringing with him the light as he greeted the audience. Post his entry, Akshay heads back to re-emerge with the film’s leading lady, Manushi Chhillar, as the two greeted the assembled audience. Following the entry, the trailer itself was screened for the gathered crowd, which was met with hoots and whistles.
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As for the film, Prithviraj is a historical drama with Sonu Sood and Sanjay Dutt in the pivotal roles of Chand Vardai and Kaka Kanha respectively. Directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi Prithviraj, is set to release on June 3 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
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