Back in March 2021, Bollywood Hungama had reported that actor Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor will make her debut in Bollywood as a talent with Dharma Cornerstone Agency. The project will be produced by Karan Johar and Apoorva Mehta’s Dharma Productions. In November 2o21, Shanaya Kapoor had begun shooting for her debut project. The film stars Dharma Cornerstone Agency's two other talents Lakshya Lalwani and Gurfatez Pirzada. Karan Johar, on March 3rd, took to social media to officially announce the film Bedhadak.
Karan Johar introduced Lakshya to the world with the first look and wrote, "Looks that will melt your heart just as easily as his smile will. Presenting #Lakshya as Karan in #Bedhadak. Directed by the maestro of emotions, Shashank Khaitan!"
Looks that will melt your heart just as easily as his smile will. Presenting #Lakshya as Karan in #Bedhadak. Directed by the maestro of emotions, Shashank Khaitan!@apoorvamehta18 #ShashankKhaitan @DharmaMovies
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) March 3, 2022
Karan Johar introduced Shanaya Kapoor who will star as Nimrit. "Introducing the gorgeous @shanayakapoor as Nimrit in #Bedhadak. An enchanting force to look out for, I can’t wait to see the energy she brings onto the screen!"
Introducing the gorgeous @shanayakapoor as Nimrit in #Bedhadak. An enchanting force to look out for, I can’t wait to see the energy she brings onto the screen!@apoorvamehta18 #ShashankKhaitan @DharmaMovies
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) March 3, 2022
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Shanaya Kapoor starrer Dharma Productions film titled Dono Mile Iss Tarah
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